
Monday, March 4, 2013

Fishing Line in the Selvedges

There have been several informative posts on WeaveTech about reinforcing the selvedges with fishing line which is removed when the weaving is completed. I rather liked this one;
I have been told that my selvedges are amazing. I always use a floating
selvedge of the same fiber in the body for consistent shrinkage etc. also, I
was told, by another weaver in my group who does beautiful work that she
adds to that selvedge following the same track and dent, as the floating
selvedge fiber, no heddle, is 12 lb test clear fish line weighted separately
from the main warp and not wound with the warp. Then when you are done
weaving and taking the piece off the loom, pull out the fish line. It pulls
out easily and the other selvedge thread maintains your edge perfectly. This
fish line helps support and defend your edge while weaving and gives it
strength and preventing some draw in. I love it.
I have done this but using the fishing line to augment the existing outermost selvedge thread on each side rather than adding a floating selvedge. I had to cobble together something to tie the line on to and came up with a bit of wire cut from a clothes hanger. I had to fiddle about a bit with the weights and the warp tension on the end feed shuttle but once that was done I got nice even selvedges on each side and a greatly reduced draw in.

I am trying out using an office chair (adjustable) rather than a weaving bench. It is definitely more comfortable when working for any length of time. I have tended to keep stuff on the bench beside me so I had to commandeer the clothes peg basket as an alternative. It works a treat and now that I have bought a replacement for the clothes pegs I am no longer in trouble.  In the photo you will see that next to the basket is my "grabber". There is nothing worse than getting settled and then having to get up to retrieve something that has been dropped under the loom.

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