Five years ago my wife and I spent three months in India - she did yoga and I did textiles; perfect. We spent a week in Mandvi, Gujarat, staying at the Rukamavati Guest House. I was fossicking around in their linen cupboard when I came across a cotton towel; this is a close up picture of it.
From the photograph I derived this draft;
and I have just recently woven two samples from it in Patons regal 4 ply cotton. I set one at 10 epi and one at 12 epi. The tighter set seemed to work the best.

I haven't been weaving for the last five months and this was a lovely little table loom project to get me going again.
They are not the most elegant things that I have woven but I use them as dish cloths on a daily basis and I am so pleased with them that I shall weave some more.